Google+ The NES Cat: Review #2: Deadly Towers. Probably the worst NES game ever made

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Review #2: Deadly Towers. Probably the worst NES game ever made

Deadly Towers Box
This is a sad day for Brotherbund Software and a sadder day for the so called "Nintendo Seal of quality".

Ok guys, lets get this straight. This game sucks. It sucks so hard that it should have been called "Sucky Towers" or even better, this game should never be released and disgrace the "Seal of quality" that ensures the gamer that the game is licensed by Nintendo and is, supposedly, checked for its quality. There are some other bad games on the NES, but this one goes straight to the first place.

Let's take a brief look into the game:

Rear view of the box
The game tries to be Zelda style, with dungeons and areas to explore. It's super difficult, you start with a whopping 100 hit points, but as you proceed in the game, you see that a single hit from an enemy takes out 10 hp or more. The enemies are like they have super powers, even the small ones, like some blobs may take 10 or more hits to kill and, guess what, they leave you with no reward! 

The dungeons are another major flaw of the game. Remember level 9 on Zelda? Well, it's like that, but 10 times bigger! It's super difficult to go through one dungeon and to make it worse, you have no dungeon map! Oh, and to put the cherry on top of the cake, there are some parallel zones that transport you from one room to another somewhere in that f*cking huge maze and you are like, what? Where am I?

Title screen

And of course, guess what... No save feature! No, guys there is no save! Just passwords! And the distance between new passwords is big. An to top that, every time you die, and you die a lot trust me, you start from the very beginning! Yeah!

Enough with the gameplay, lets take a look at the other elements of the game.

Graphics are ok, as it's an early NES release (1986) but the music is boring and repetitive.

Overall, only buy this game if you are a collector and if you buy it, just put it in the self. Do not even pop it in the console. It will just frustrate you. You can find it on eBay in good condition with box and manual included for about 30$ or cheaper. Do not go over 30 bucks for no reason.

-NES Cat

These bubbles are really deadly...

One of the monsters you'll encounter
Took me about 20 tries to beat that...

Never got past this...
This black piece of s*** killed me quite a few times

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